Ohh, Bangkok, Thailand

Tour guide Companion Concierge
Languages: English (USA), Thai
Day - 8 h / $89 Night - 6 h / $59 Day+Night - $109
Bangkok, Ayuthaya, Pattaya
Sex: Male, Age: 27 yo, Status: single


Ohh is miracle!!!


If you will be lucky to visit Bangkok at weekend - then Ohh is your best choise. Don't miss him!!!

Leave me message:

    Please don't use email gmx.de

    Hi there!

    I'm Ohh. I'm working as web-designer in Bangkok. My hobbies are: travels, gym, guitar, swimming.

    I am on this site because I love Bangkok and Thailand and I want to show you beauty of my country and it's capital - Bangkok.

    With me you will see not only parade side of Thai capital, but also we will visit villages of artists, will take a look at regular life of Thais.

    Welcome to my Thailand!


    I'm busy at days marked like this: 17 (booking is not possible), days marked 15 are my "day off". At such days please choose another day or another companion.

    For booking please choose Service (Day, Night or Day + Night tour), then day in calendar and then time when you want to start tour.


    Book me here:

    Other guides and companions who can work in Bangkok:


    Mac can guide you in whole Thailand, including Ayuthaya, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Phuket in tours started from Bangkok.

    Please click image above to visit Mac's profile.